JSON schema

JSON, YAML and TOML configuration files can benefit from a JSON schema that describes the config structure depending on the selected restic and configuration file version.

Schema URL


This schema detects config and restic version and redirects to the corresponding versioned URL. Detection requires full support for JSON Schema Draft 7. Use a versioned URL where not supported (e.g. TOML).

Usage (vscode)

To use a schema with vscode, begin your config files with:

#:schema https://412-merge.resticprofile.pages.dev/jsonschema/config-2.json

version = "2"
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://412-merge.resticprofile.pages.dev/jsonschema/config.json

version: "2"
    "$schema": "https://412-merge.resticprofile.pages.dev/jsonschema/config.json",
    "version": "2"

YAML & TOML validation with JSON schema is not supported out of the box. Additional extensions are required, such as ‘redhat.vscode-yaml’ for YAML and ’tamasfe.even-better-toml’ for TOML in Visual Studio Code.


Extension: redhat.vscode-yaml

Versioned URLs

The following versioned schemas are referenced from config.json. Which URL is selected depends on config and restic version. You may use the URLs directly if you need a self-contained schema file or to enforce a certain version of configuration format and/or restic flags

JSON schema URLs for any restic version:

These universal schemas contain all flags and commands of all known restic versions and may allow to set flags that are not supported by a particular restic version. Descriptions and deprecation markers indicate what is supported and what should no longer be used.

JSON schema URLs for a specific restic version (list of available URLs):

  • .../config-1-restic-{MAJOR}-{MINOR}.json
  • .../config-2-restic-{MAJOR}-{MINOR}.json

These schemas contain only flags and commands of a specific restic version. The schema will validate a config only when flags are used that the selected restic version supports according to its manual pages.


As an alternative to URLs, schemas can be generated locally with: resticprofile generate --json-schema [--version RESTIC_VERSION] [global|v1|v2]